Sunday, November 25, 2007

It's a little depressing, and it's about leaving, but you'll read it anyways....

Ok, so it's been awhile since I posted lyrics on here. Mostly because I can't seem to finish a song these days. I've got a bunch of partials, but no completed ones. So i finished one. And I finished one that is about 15 months old. I first wrote it when I moved to Florida in August '06. And I just finished it, in light of my impending move to Australia. Here it is, I call it 'Airplane'.

My stuff in two suitcases
My life regenerated
I'll be one less distraction in this town
It's twelve inches or less
From my heart to my head
So why cant' they work together now
My flight is like a fortress
Meant to protect my heart
From my mind and getting too close
Your face has been forever
Burned into my memory
Like a photograph that I can't dispose

So pilot take me far away from here
Don't you let this turbulence give your heart fear
Cause it's a long way down
it's a long way down

My stuff in two suitcases
This place is over rated
This town is full of distractions
Bright summer sunny days
Rid no one of their pain
Or this collective song of dejection
Goodbyes feel insincere
All i've got is what i'm leaving here
I'll let you pick up the pieces
I still taste your maybelline
I know I leave a tragic scene
But i don't need to defend to you my reasons

I'll fly away
I'll fly away
I'll fly away
With the hope that I'll return someday

It's got kind of a laid back fingerstyle blues feel to it...if that helps you hear it at like?

Friday, November 23, 2007

An ode...

 my beloved Chuck T's.

Oh Chuck Taylors
How you've served me so well
You're black with white laces
For 70 years you still sell

My feet you always adorn
With your wild embrace
Never shall I let scorn
Come to your sweet name

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Tomorrow is thanksgiving.
So I'm going to take a break from my regular opining about everything that is wrong with the world and give you a list of things that I have to be thankful for.

-The fact that I serve a God who loves me and has a plan for my life and has blessed me with the rest of this list.
-A family who loves and supports me
-Good friends who put up with my ridiculous self
-A church that encourages and challenges me
-A country that doesn't murder me because I disagree
-A roof to sleep under
-The decadent beauty of creation
-Music and the ability to make it
-A couple meals a day
-Legs and arms and fingers and toes

Amidst all my complaining and the way that I'm never satisfied with anything, I have a lot to be thankful for. And I know for a fact I could come up with a much longer list should I take the time to sit and make it. But as I look at that list, there is nothing on there that I don't take for granted on a daily basis. There are plenty of people in this world who do not enjoy many of the simple things that I take as necessity. And the holidays, which can be a great time of connection, can also be a rather lonely time. I would like to take this moment to encourage all of you who might happen upon this to look for those less fortunate than yourself. And do something about it. Ghandi once said "...You must be the change you wish to see in the world." I think he may have been on to something.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Everybody's just a stranger, but that's the danger in going my own way...

Hello blogland. I apologize for the long wait. I've just been quite a busy boy. I'll spare you all of the gory details though. Today is day 30. Which means that I only have one more day of vegetarianism. Wow. I am, however, having quite a tussle with myself as to whether or not I will stick with it. Who knows...I guess we'll find out tomorrow. I'll be sure to let you know though.
I also wanted to let you all know of something that I realized about myself the other day. It is a warning of sorts. I was talking to a couple of my good friends the other day, and the topic of relationships came up. Now, when I say 'relationships', I actually mean 'people whom you are romantically connected with'. Because I have relationships with lots of people. But I am nowhere near interested in most of them. In fact, I would that life is entirely defined by relationship. One relationship with Christ that influences all the others. But that's another discussion.
At some point in this conversation, I lamented the fact that I am probably going to be single for the rest of my life. I said this rather casually and in a borderline sarcastic manner, because I don't actually plan on this. But one of my friends said something that I've been chewing on all weekend. It was along these lines: "Well it's because you're just kind of the independent type".
I've realized that this is true. And that i don't like it. It's not only true in the 'relationship' context, but in all of my relationships as well. It feels like I don't pursue people the way that Christ did. I only let people in if they show interest in me. This is disturbing to me. Well, I'm off to work. Maybe more later. Some lyrics or something less depressing....