So, I think it's about time we get to know each other better. So here goes. I am going to compile a list of things about myself that you might not know. For those of you who were friends of my old xanga, this is the return of the top ten here we go now with the falling sky...
10) I am a closet boy band fan.(or not-so-closet, seeing as how i just posted it on the internet)

9) I am neurotic when it comes to stacks. CDs, papers, whatever... if it's not straight, i'm not happy...

8) I appreciate tree climbing

7) I have a twin

6) Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a superhero

5) I'm quite sure that I was a monkey in a past life

4) I'm a ninja

3) I was in love with a giraffe once

2) I am of the belief that Robert Goulet and Adolf Hitler are actually the same man. See for yourself.


The similarities, striking. Coincidence? I think not.
And the number one thing that you may not have known about me is...

Now, if you have an idea for another top ten list, just go ahead and leave it as a comment and I will whip that right up for ya the next time I need to take a break from doing my assessments...