Hello blogland..
My most deepest and sincere apologies... It has been forever since I wrote.
I've been thinking a lot lately. As usual. My mind is generally quite pedantic and I can't discern sometimes what is real and what I just make up to suite me. But I think this is going somewhere good.
So I've been learning quite a bit lately. I've been learning to
relish life - I've only got one, so I want to make it count - I've got dreams coming out of every moment it seems. But in this season of life it seems like none of them are coming to pass. I realize that I'm in school and all, but I just want to get down to business sometimes. All in all, I feel that there are so much bigger things in store for my life and I want to find the place where that potential is realized.
But I'm finding that
contentment is a far better alternative to
worry. Jesus once said that He came that we may have
life and have it
Life, in it's very essence, holds so much beauty and wonder and promise. I'm learning to see that. There's so much to behold. City streets full of people, conversations with good friends or random strangers, the creation that echos the creator, cups of tea in the morning... A great theologian once said "it's a beautiful day, don't let it get away"
I've found that I tend to ignore these things in the business of life. Or maybe not ignore, persay. I just don't fully enjoy them and acknowledge the One who makes it all possible. Mostly because I'm so worried about what's coming down the track for my life and what I'm doing now to bring that about.
So I'm learning. and growing. And I'm going to let the chips fall where they may. But I'm going to enjoy the proverbial ride. My life hasn't been boring, and it's not going to be. So I'll let my future do as it pleases, and enjoy life as it is now. And I encourage you to do the same. Don't regret what may have been. Just relish what is and what will be.
Thanks for listening. Until next time, much love.