Saturday, October 13, 2007

Not a vegan, you silly goose....

.....I'm a vegetarian.

So here's the deal. For the longest time (ok, so maybe like 3 years), I've been wanting to spend some time as a vegetarian. Just to see what it's like. So tonight, I have decided to do an experiment. I'm calling it '30 Days as a Vegetarian'. It's pretty self-explanatory really. I will spend the next thirty days as a vegetarian. I will eat no red meat, poultry, or pork. Fish will be allowed, but never fear, I don't eat much of it. Also, eggs and dairy will be allowed.

I will chronicle the health effects, side effects, symptoms of withdrawal, and my over-all feelings for the next thirty days. I hope you all will enjoy this as much as I do!

This is effective immediately. But just to make it clean and neat, tomorrow, Saturday, October 13th, shall be day number 1.

-Joshua David

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