I got sick of blogspot. I found wordpress to be much more user friendly.
So all further bloggings will be found at www.goodgollyitsjosh.com
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Pure goodness.
So there's a barbecue going on downstairs, and heaps of beautiful people are in my house...but I've gotta get this out....so I'm alone here upstairs. The party will wait.
So this morning I did what is fast becoming one of my favorite things to do. Hillsong Kids Worship. Songs with music bordering on cheesy, but with lyrics just as grown-up as big church songs and an environment that allows for as much craziness as one can muster up. Now you may be saying: 'Really Josh? kids worship? you should be doing bigger and better things.' I have actually heard this from someone already. Well, that may be true. And I'm sure it's coming. But here's the thing.
These kids know how to worship God.
Seriously, it's the purest, most innocent thing that I've ever been a part of. At one point today, the track and the band completely cut out and I could hear them singing, and I was blown away by these kids. The exuberance, bordering on complete abandon as they shouted out praise, was absolutely incredible. They don't know how to care what the person next to them thinks. Or who they need to impress...
My point is that when it comes time to sing to God, that's what they do. end of story.
So my question then is this:
Where did we learn to be so calloused? Where did we learn to care more for our reputation than lifting high the name of Jesus?
I'm not sure. Perhaps we got so caught up in the busy-ness of it all that we forgot to just stop and be HIS. I think that perhaps God may call that idolatry, being that the definition of the word is 'to put something/someone above God'.
The Israelites one time got caught up in this. And this is what God said in Amos chapter 5:21-27:
"I hate, I despise your religious feasts;
I cannot stand your assemblies.
Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings,
I will not accept them.
Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, [b]
I will have no regard for them.
Away with the noise of your songs!
I will not listen to the music of your harps.
But let justice roll on like a river,
righteousness like a never-failing stream!
"Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings
forty years in the desert, O house of Israel?
You have lifted up the shrine of your king,
the pedestal of your idols,
the star of your god [c]—
which you made for yourselves.
Therefore I will send you into exile beyond Damascus,"
says the LORD, whose name is God Almighty.
I want that to never ever ever ever be said about my worship. But I know that all too often that is the way it could be easily described, and I'm sure it's the same for you.
So I'm not sure what the answer is, but to just fall at His feet and be real. I'll let you know if I find anything else out.
So this morning I did what is fast becoming one of my favorite things to do. Hillsong Kids Worship. Songs with music bordering on cheesy, but with lyrics just as grown-up as big church songs and an environment that allows for as much craziness as one can muster up. Now you may be saying: 'Really Josh? kids worship? you should be doing bigger and better things.' I have actually heard this from someone already. Well, that may be true. And I'm sure it's coming. But here's the thing.
These kids know how to worship God.
Seriously, it's the purest, most innocent thing that I've ever been a part of. At one point today, the track and the band completely cut out and I could hear them singing, and I was blown away by these kids. The exuberance, bordering on complete abandon as they shouted out praise, was absolutely incredible. They don't know how to care what the person next to them thinks. Or who they need to impress...
My point is that when it comes time to sing to God, that's what they do. end of story.
So my question then is this:
Where did we learn to be so calloused? Where did we learn to care more for our reputation than lifting high the name of Jesus?
I'm not sure. Perhaps we got so caught up in the busy-ness of it all that we forgot to just stop and be HIS. I think that perhaps God may call that idolatry, being that the definition of the word is 'to put something/someone above God'.
The Israelites one time got caught up in this. And this is what God said in Amos chapter 5:21-27:
"I hate, I despise your religious feasts;
I cannot stand your assemblies.
Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings,
I will not accept them.
Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, [b]
I will have no regard for them.
Away with the noise of your songs!
I will not listen to the music of your harps.
But let justice roll on like a river,
righteousness like a never-failing stream!
"Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings
forty years in the desert, O house of Israel?
You have lifted up the shrine of your king,
the pedestal of your idols,
the star of your god [c]—
which you made for yourselves.
Therefore I will send you into exile beyond Damascus,"
says the LORD, whose name is God Almighty.
I want that to never ever ever ever be said about my worship. But I know that all too often that is the way it could be easily described, and I'm sure it's the same for you.
So I'm not sure what the answer is, but to just fall at His feet and be real. I'll let you know if I find anything else out.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I think not.
I'm feeling a bit cynical.
I don't like it.
But here's the thing.
There's an election happening soon, and I'm pretty sure that whatever the result is, I'm not going to be pleased.
On one hand, we have a candidate who is as smooth a talker as they come, and he sounds to me to be a good bet. But I doubt highly that he's got the experience to legitimately run the country. On the other hand, we have the gunslinger from Arizona, whom I fear will be just more of the same.
So I'm a bit torn.
The question then remains. Who will I be voting for?
McCain? I think not.
Obama? I think not.
I think I'll not be voting for president this time around.
I don't like it.
But here's the thing.
There's an election happening soon, and I'm pretty sure that whatever the result is, I'm not going to be pleased.
On one hand, we have a candidate who is as smooth a talker as they come, and he sounds to me to be a good bet. But I doubt highly that he's got the experience to legitimately run the country. On the other hand, we have the gunslinger from Arizona, whom I fear will be just more of the same.
So I'm a bit torn.
The question then remains. Who will I be voting for?
McCain? I think not.
Obama? I think not.
I think I'll not be voting for president this time around.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Life in Abundance.
Hello blogland..
My most deepest and sincere apologies... It has been forever since I wrote.
I've been thinking a lot lately. As usual. My mind is generally quite pedantic and I can't discern sometimes what is real and what I just make up to suite me. But I think this is going somewhere good.
So I've been learning quite a bit lately. I've been learning to relish life - I've only got one, so I want to make it count - I've got dreams coming out of every moment it seems. But in this season of life it seems like none of them are coming to pass. I realize that I'm in school and all, but I just want to get down to business sometimes. All in all, I feel that there are so much bigger things in store for my life and I want to find the place where that potential is realized.
But I'm finding that contentment is a far better alternative to worry. Jesus once said that He came that we may have life and have it abundantly.
Life, in it's very essence, holds so much beauty and wonder and promise. I'm learning to see that. There's so much to behold. City streets full of people, conversations with good friends or random strangers, the creation that echos the creator, cups of tea in the morning... A great theologian once said "it's a beautiful day, don't let it get away"
I've found that I tend to ignore these things in the business of life. Or maybe not ignore, persay. I just don't fully enjoy them and acknowledge the One who makes it all possible. Mostly because I'm so worried about what's coming down the track for my life and what I'm doing now to bring that about.
So I'm learning. and growing. And I'm going to let the chips fall where they may. But I'm going to enjoy the proverbial ride. My life hasn't been boring, and it's not going to be. So I'll let my future do as it pleases, and enjoy life as it is now. And I encourage you to do the same. Don't regret what may have been. Just relish what is and what will be.
Thanks for listening. Until next time, much love.
My most deepest and sincere apologies... It has been forever since I wrote.
I've been thinking a lot lately. As usual. My mind is generally quite pedantic and I can't discern sometimes what is real and what I just make up to suite me. But I think this is going somewhere good.
So I've been learning quite a bit lately. I've been learning to relish life - I've only got one, so I want to make it count - I've got dreams coming out of every moment it seems. But in this season of life it seems like none of them are coming to pass. I realize that I'm in school and all, but I just want to get down to business sometimes. All in all, I feel that there are so much bigger things in store for my life and I want to find the place where that potential is realized.
But I'm finding that contentment is a far better alternative to worry. Jesus once said that He came that we may have life and have it abundantly.
Life, in it's very essence, holds so much beauty and wonder and promise. I'm learning to see that. There's so much to behold. City streets full of people, conversations with good friends or random strangers, the creation that echos the creator, cups of tea in the morning... A great theologian once said "it's a beautiful day, don't let it get away"
I've found that I tend to ignore these things in the business of life. Or maybe not ignore, persay. I just don't fully enjoy them and acknowledge the One who makes it all possible. Mostly because I'm so worried about what's coming down the track for my life and what I'm doing now to bring that about.
So I'm learning. and growing. And I'm going to let the chips fall where they may. But I'm going to enjoy the proverbial ride. My life hasn't been boring, and it's not going to be. So I'll let my future do as it pleases, and enjoy life as it is now. And I encourage you to do the same. Don't regret what may have been. Just relish what is and what will be.
Thanks for listening. Until next time, much love.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My to do list.
So I've decided to compile a list. A list, completely independent of career or ministry or whatever. This is Josh's bucket list. Things that I want to and will accomplish before I die. These aren't necessarily in order...just a pretty random list...
1. Set foot on all 7 continents at least once (that's coming soon, I'm almost there.)
2. Go skydiving
3. Become licensed and proficient at scuba diving
4. Play guitar with John Mayer and Eric Clapton (not necessarily at the same time, don't be ridiculous.)
5. Spend at least 2 weeks in each of the following countries:
All of the U.K., Italy, Greece, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Thailand, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Russia, Jamaica, Fiji.
6. Create a book with my photography and poetry.
7. Climb a mountain (not a really hardcore one...just big enough to make me feel like I accomplished something)
8. Go to Israel. many times.
9. Sponsor many more compassion children, and travel to their countries to see them, as I have the means.
10. Take a road trip all over the United States and write a book about it.
11. Play and/or sing in a touring band.
12. Go to a totally legit cocktail party in a manhattan penthouse, wearing a white tuxedo...
13. Spend New Years on Times Square.
And that's it for now... Yes I dream big... but i don't apologize for it in the least...
1. Set foot on all 7 continents at least once (that's coming soon, I'm almost there.)
2. Go skydiving
3. Become licensed and proficient at scuba diving
4. Play guitar with John Mayer and Eric Clapton (not necessarily at the same time, don't be ridiculous.)
5. Spend at least 2 weeks in each of the following countries:
All of the U.K., Italy, Greece, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Thailand, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Russia, Jamaica, Fiji.
6. Create a book with my photography and poetry.
7. Climb a mountain (not a really hardcore one...just big enough to make me feel like I accomplished something)
8. Go to Israel. many times.
9. Sponsor many more compassion children, and travel to their countries to see them, as I have the means.
10. Take a road trip all over the United States and write a book about it.
11. Play and/or sing in a touring band.
12. Go to a totally legit cocktail party in a manhattan penthouse, wearing a white tuxedo...
13. Spend New Years on Times Square.
And that's it for now... Yes I dream big... but i don't apologize for it in the least...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
one score and one year ago.....
....a baby was born to Randall and LuAnn Graber. Who knew back then that in 2008, he would be living in Australia? Yea, it blows my mind too. I look back on recent years, and it's absolutely incredible to me the opportunities that have already come my way. I have had the chance to travel more than most people twice my age, and I've found my life's passion at two decades old. I feel so incredibly blessed and I know that it only gets better from here. Ladies and gentlemen, watch out. The best is yet to come...
More later, I'm going to bed...
More later, I'm going to bed...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dear Sarah,
We have a problem. I mean, I have a problem. With you. Now, I know we've never met, and you are probably thinking, 'wow, isn't this dude pretentious?'... Maybe, but hear me out. See, you filmed a movie recently. And, while 'sex and the city' isn't my favorite show, i don't have any giant grudge against it. Except my one complaint.
I work at a restaurant adjacent to a theater where the aforementioned film is showing. Nightly, we have large groups of women come into our restaurant. They are all markedly 'SITC' fans. They even dress like you. No problem there, I dig your sense of style. The problem, however, lies in the fact that they think that they all deserve to be treated like they ARE you. And tips? fuggedaboudit!! They are rude, obnoxious, and generally unpleasant people, at least for the time in which I am forced to be with them. Now mind you, I don't think any of these adjectives describe YOU. I think you're generally really cool, I might add. However, your inherent beauty and talent apparently inspires jealousy, which inspires mimicry, which inspires this absolutely insane celebrity complex in people who are at best mildly successful, if not just downright ordinary. So please, could you call the Hoyts cinema at the Entertainment Quarter in Sydney, Australia and advise them that all future showings of your film be cancelled? Thanks so much.
Your adoring fan,
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Let's play a game
The game is called 'which one doesn't belong?'
So I pulled up my email just a moment ago, and was greeted with my 5 top news headlines, as usual.

closer up view of the headlines

The game is simple. Figure out which headline doesn't belong....
Got it?..
Yea, it was just funny to me... I read about bridges collapsing, planes crashing, and the religious people smashing on Obama....and then a 700lb mexican dude (which, incidentally, makes me think of Nacho Libre)....I laughed..out loud. And then shared it with you. I hope you're amused
So I pulled up my email just a moment ago, and was greeted with my 5 top news headlines, as usual.

closer up view of the headlines

The game is simple. Figure out which headline doesn't belong....
Got it?..
Yea, it was just funny to me... I read about bridges collapsing, planes crashing, and the religious people smashing on Obama....and then a 700lb mexican dude (which, incidentally, makes me think of Nacho Libre)....I laughed..out loud. And then shared it with you. I hope you're amused
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