Sunday, November 2, 2008
New Blog.
So all further bloggings will be found at
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Pure goodness.
So this morning I did what is fast becoming one of my favorite things to do. Hillsong Kids Worship. Songs with music bordering on cheesy, but with lyrics just as grown-up as big church songs and an environment that allows for as much craziness as one can muster up. Now you may be saying: 'Really Josh? kids worship? you should be doing bigger and better things.' I have actually heard this from someone already. Well, that may be true. And I'm sure it's coming. But here's the thing.
These kids know how to worship God.
Seriously, it's the purest, most innocent thing that I've ever been a part of. At one point today, the track and the band completely cut out and I could hear them singing, and I was blown away by these kids. The exuberance, bordering on complete abandon as they shouted out praise, was absolutely incredible. They don't know how to care what the person next to them thinks. Or who they need to impress...
My point is that when it comes time to sing to God, that's what they do. end of story.
So my question then is this:
Where did we learn to be so calloused? Where did we learn to care more for our reputation than lifting high the name of Jesus?
I'm not sure. Perhaps we got so caught up in the busy-ness of it all that we forgot to just stop and be HIS. I think that perhaps God may call that idolatry, being that the definition of the word is 'to put something/someone above God'.
The Israelites one time got caught up in this. And this is what God said in Amos chapter 5:21-27:
"I hate, I despise your religious feasts;
I cannot stand your assemblies.
Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings,
I will not accept them.
Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, [b]
I will have no regard for them.
Away with the noise of your songs!
I will not listen to the music of your harps.
But let justice roll on like a river,
righteousness like a never-failing stream!
"Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings
forty years in the desert, O house of Israel?
You have lifted up the shrine of your king,
the pedestal of your idols,
the star of your god [c]—
which you made for yourselves.
Therefore I will send you into exile beyond Damascus,"
says the LORD, whose name is God Almighty.
I want that to never ever ever ever be said about my worship. But I know that all too often that is the way it could be easily described, and I'm sure it's the same for you.
So I'm not sure what the answer is, but to just fall at His feet and be real. I'll let you know if I find anything else out.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I think not.
I don't like it.
But here's the thing.
There's an election happening soon, and I'm pretty sure that whatever the result is, I'm not going to be pleased.
On one hand, we have a candidate who is as smooth a talker as they come, and he sounds to me to be a good bet. But I doubt highly that he's got the experience to legitimately run the country. On the other hand, we have the gunslinger from Arizona, whom I fear will be just more of the same.
So I'm a bit torn.
The question then remains. Who will I be voting for?
McCain? I think not.
Obama? I think not.
I think I'll not be voting for president this time around.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Life in Abundance.
My most deepest and sincere apologies... It has been forever since I wrote.
I've been thinking a lot lately. As usual. My mind is generally quite pedantic and I can't discern sometimes what is real and what I just make up to suite me. But I think this is going somewhere good.
So I've been learning quite a bit lately. I've been learning to relish life - I've only got one, so I want to make it count - I've got dreams coming out of every moment it seems. But in this season of life it seems like none of them are coming to pass. I realize that I'm in school and all, but I just want to get down to business sometimes. All in all, I feel that there are so much bigger things in store for my life and I want to find the place where that potential is realized.
But I'm finding that contentment is a far better alternative to worry. Jesus once said that He came that we may have life and have it abundantly.
Life, in it's very essence, holds so much beauty and wonder and promise. I'm learning to see that. There's so much to behold. City streets full of people, conversations with good friends or random strangers, the creation that echos the creator, cups of tea in the morning... A great theologian once said "it's a beautiful day, don't let it get away"
I've found that I tend to ignore these things in the business of life. Or maybe not ignore, persay. I just don't fully enjoy them and acknowledge the One who makes it all possible. Mostly because I'm so worried about what's coming down the track for my life and what I'm doing now to bring that about.
So I'm learning. and growing. And I'm going to let the chips fall where they may. But I'm going to enjoy the proverbial ride. My life hasn't been boring, and it's not going to be. So I'll let my future do as it pleases, and enjoy life as it is now. And I encourage you to do the same. Don't regret what may have been. Just relish what is and what will be.
Thanks for listening. Until next time, much love.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My to do list.
1. Set foot on all 7 continents at least once (that's coming soon, I'm almost there.)
2. Go skydiving
3. Become licensed and proficient at scuba diving
4. Play guitar with John Mayer and Eric Clapton (not necessarily at the same time, don't be ridiculous.)
5. Spend at least 2 weeks in each of the following countries:
All of the U.K., Italy, Greece, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Thailand, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Russia, Jamaica, Fiji.
6. Create a book with my photography and poetry.
7. Climb a mountain (not a really hardcore one...just big enough to make me feel like I accomplished something)
8. Go to Israel. many times.
9. Sponsor many more compassion children, and travel to their countries to see them, as I have the means.
10. Take a road trip all over the United States and write a book about it.
11. Play and/or sing in a touring band.
12. Go to a totally legit cocktail party in a manhattan penthouse, wearing a white tuxedo...
13. Spend New Years on Times Square.
And that's it for now... Yes I dream big... but i don't apologize for it in the least...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
one score and one year ago.....
More later, I'm going to bed...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dear Sarah,
We have a problem. I mean, I have a problem. With you. Now, I know we've never met, and you are probably thinking, 'wow, isn't this dude pretentious?'... Maybe, but hear me out. See, you filmed a movie recently. And, while 'sex and the city' isn't my favorite show, i don't have any giant grudge against it. Except my one complaint.
I work at a restaurant adjacent to a theater where the aforementioned film is showing. Nightly, we have large groups of women come into our restaurant. They are all markedly 'SITC' fans. They even dress like you. No problem there, I dig your sense of style. The problem, however, lies in the fact that they think that they all deserve to be treated like they ARE you. And tips? fuggedaboudit!! They are rude, obnoxious, and generally unpleasant people, at least for the time in which I am forced to be with them. Now mind you, I don't think any of these adjectives describe YOU. I think you're generally really cool, I might add. However, your inherent beauty and talent apparently inspires jealousy, which inspires mimicry, which inspires this absolutely insane celebrity complex in people who are at best mildly successful, if not just downright ordinary. So please, could you call the Hoyts cinema at the Entertainment Quarter in Sydney, Australia and advise them that all future showings of your film be cancelled? Thanks so much.
Your adoring fan,
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Let's play a game
So I pulled up my email just a moment ago, and was greeted with my 5 top news headlines, as usual.

closer up view of the headlines

The game is simple. Figure out which headline doesn't belong....
Got it?..
Yea, it was just funny to me... I read about bridges collapsing, planes crashing, and the religious people smashing on Obama....and then a 700lb mexican dude (which, incidentally, makes me think of Nacho Libre)....I laughed..out loud. And then shared it with you. I hope you're amused
Monday, June 9, 2008
This kid is ridiculous
Now, had I started playing a little earlier, say oh i dunno, age two... Well I would have way sooner reached the point of appreciating my instrument for much more than a mojo - perhaps even well before puberty, like this kid on the drums...this video chronicles his musical development from age 2 to age 11....prepare to be amazed...
I hope that changed your life.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Sophomore what? huh?.....
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Singing, Dancing, and Stealing things. All are worthy endeavors.
This is the reason why I love Jason Mraz' new CD. It's called "We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things" and it is phenomenal!
Good ol' Jason has always impressed me with his vocal talent, witty lyrics, and creative instrumentation, and he doesn't fail to do the same on this one. But the most impressive thing is that he takes the listener on a journey in every song... I'll let you find out where when you buy the CD, but trust me, you will not be disappointed. It's all you would expect from Mr. A-Z and more.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
My absentee ballot that doesn't count....
This guy.

I do find it ironic by the way, that the soldiers can vote, but their vote actually means nothing in actually deciding the politicians who may ultimately decide their fate. All because Americans are too stupid impatient to wait for a batch of ballots to be overnighted...
Our country is ridiculous sometimes.
Anyways, on to my explanation of why I'm voting for Mr. Obama. Then those of you Christians reading this who are starting to pick up axes and guns can put them down, because I assure you, voting republican is no more "Christian" than killing a man. Because ultimately that's what you did by putting a gun-toting redneck in office (sorry, i had to...)
Honestly, when looking at the line up of candidates, my initial thought was "why bother?"
But then I would be able to label myself as a hypocrite, because I'm always harping on people who don't vote. So I NEED to vote for someone. Hence my problem.
So I'm voting for Obama, simply because he is the least annoying of the group.
That's it. No particular philosophical reason or anything. He's just least ridiculous.
It is a sad day, me thinks, when Josh Graber can't find a good reason to side with or against a politician.
Ladies and gentlemen of the USA, I may never come home.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The funny thing about a road is, it always involves a destination
And a destination is actually all about the journey.
The choices you make at every turn are influenced by your view of the end.
Road signs, strategically placed, guide each turn.
Occasionally, perspective is lost and we focus on the tiny stones in front.
They appear to be boulders, when in reality, they are easily hurdled.
This is shortsightedness. It kills dreams, hopes, and vision.
So kill the urgent and destroy the minor issues in your way.
Because the road will always lead somewhere bigger.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
No Stopping Love
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Anyways, on with the pics...
I like this one... it's total contrast, with the flower and the buildings and city behind it.
I think this is proof that autumn is coming...
I'm proud of this one
Not quite sure what to put as a caption on this... broken glass on the ground near my flat...
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
David Ryan Harris....
He plays guitar for John Mayer. He has played for the DMB, Collective Soul, and Santana, amongst others. He also is a brilliant solo artist and you should buy all of his music immediately.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Things you might not know about me.
10) I am a closet boy band fan.(or not-so-closet, seeing as how i just posted it on the internet)

9) I am neurotic when it comes to stacks. CDs, papers, whatever... if it's not straight, i'm not happy...

8) I appreciate tree climbing

7) I have a twin

6) Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a superhero

5) I'm quite sure that I was a monkey in a past life

4) I'm a ninja

3) I was in love with a giraffe once

2) I am of the belief that Robert Goulet and Adolf Hitler are actually the same man. See for yourself.


The similarities, striking. Coincidence? I think not.
And the number one thing that you may not have known about me is...

Now, if you have an idea for another top ten list, just go ahead and leave it as a comment and I will whip that right up for ya the next time I need to take a break from doing my assessments...
Friday, April 4, 2008
"In the Cous Cous....."
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Where are they?
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I hope you're hopeful
We all claim to have it. We all love throwing that term carelessly around. ‘There is hope’, we say, with a furrowed brow and concern oozing from our persona. ‘I really hope that he doesn’t do that’, we say, in a sort of flippant cynicism. But I’m not sure we grasp what hope really is. I came across a verse the other day that tripped me out a little bit and got me thinking. The verse I’m talking about is in Romans, but we’ll get to that a little bit later on.
I want to start with this verse.
And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Straightforward right? Faith, hope, and love are all cool. But love is the best. But what about the others? We love faith. We love talking about it. We love idealizing it. But where are all the over-spiritualized discussions about hope?
I’m learning a little bit about hope and how to be conscious of it, and I’ve been inspired to share this with you. So here goes.
What is hope, Mr. Webster?
Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope implies a certain amount of despair, wanting, wishing, suffering or perseverance — i.e., believing that a better or positive outcome is possible even when there is some evidence to the contrary (wikipedia)
A certain amount of DESPAIR?!?! That can’t possibly be a good thing for my life. Despair, wanting, and wishing. Aha, now you get the verse that I stumbled upon the other day. This is all really simple and maybe I’m telling you things you already know. But it’s fresh for me and that’s the beauty of it.
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
So yes, I do believe that a certain level of dissatisfaction is necessary for hope (i.e. I am dissatisfied right now at the fact that I am hungry, and so I am hopeful that I have the necessary ingredients for a grilled cheese sandwich). I don’t know about you, but there is not a lot satisfying to me about the world that we live in. Call me a pessimist if you want, but if you are missing the despair in this place, you must be blind. But I also have hope. Hope that the church will rise up and be the church. Hope that finally, there are some alarm bells ringing for the impoverished. Hope that one day my Lord is coming back.
Here’s the thing about hope that I love. It carries with it an expectancy: a holy fire that burns in anticipation. HOPE IS THE BELIEF THAT A BETTER OUTCOME IS ON THE WAY. A hopeful person is not a person who is easily discouraged (Job 13:15, Prov 23:18, Lam 3:21). A person who is hopeful is a person of purpose. A person of great strength. Here’s the kicker. The big shuh-bang. The ‘oh-my-gosh, this might just blow my mind’...
I think that faith is not possible without hope
Show me a person who has no faith and I will show you a person at the end of their rope. A person so hurt and so broken and so mislead that there is no hope left. On the flipside, show me a person who claims to have faith, but is cynical and does not believe that life can get better, and I will question that person’s faith.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). So if faith is the evidence, then what is the real deal? I say, I think it’s hope. I dunno, maybe I’m just mislead. But I think that we are entirely to unhopeful. I’m quite certain that most of the time, we’re too content with the drudgery of life and our lack of hope keeps us from taking a stand and doing something about it. I think that God has so much more for us. I also think that we are responsible to act on that. To have hopes and dreams and ambitions that are SO HUGE THAT WE CAN’T SEE THE END OF THEM. He is able to do SO MUCH more than we could ever DREAM! (Eph 3:21, paraphrased) So I say that we let God be God. I say we give faith a fighting chance and pair it with discontented hope and a willingness to go to the ends of the earth. We might just change this place.
This is still brewing in my mind's cauldron, so if anybody has any insight...shoot it my way..
Thursday, March 27, 2008
It's in progress (or there is hope)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Youtube browsing yields musical enlightenment
Monday, March 24, 2008
The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair.
So here goes. Mr. Garmon, take it away:
I believe if you read what I write and take it to heart, your life will be changed.
The Holy Spirit has been stirring this message in me for a while, and I really believe God wants to set people free through me. To those who are reading, open your heart! Unclog your ears from rusty traditions and old religions. Hear what I have to say and be liberated!
We have often heard the word “grace” thrown around, but I believe the depth of what grace is for the lives of believers is far deeper than we realize. God longs to have his children live lives of satisfaction in him and not have to strive!
Some might think that grace is synonymous with mercy. How wonderful it is that God is rich in mercy! But I do not believe that grace is the same as mercy. Many have defined it as something like “God’s unmerited love and favor.” I think that’s much closer. Here’s a working definition I found at this website which was an awesome resource in my study! (
“Grace can also be defined as God's sufficiency or God's fullness in the life of the believer.”
He goes on to call grace “God’s enoughness.”
MMMMMmmmmm! Amazing grace how sweet the sound!
Oh friends..... Read this verse and DO NOT tune out because it’s the BIble. Bend your ear to God’s Word:
“And God is able to make ALL grace abound to you, so that in ALL THINGS, at ALL TIMES, having ALL THAT YOU NEED, you will abound in EVERY GOOD WORK!!!!!!!!!” (2 Corinthians 9:8) -Emphasis and twenty thousand exclamation points mine (:
Friends, this is good news! Listen to the completeness stated in this verse! All things! All times! Having all that you need! That’s too good to be true! No it’s not! That’s what God’s Word says, and I don’t know about you, but I stand on nothing else!
We don’t have to strive, friends. God’s grace truly is sufficient. He is SO enough. He’s so much MORE than we need!
I really felt God tell me the other day about grace:
There’s nothing you can do to receive it.
Not as in “It’s impossible to attain,” but rather, “there’s no work to be accomplished to gain it.
“Time out Joshua,” you say. “That sounds just lazy! Surely God wants us to do at least part of it. Are saying that our efforts have nothing to so with our success in life?
Well... YES!!!!!!
Nothing to do with our efforts. Nothing to do with our efforts. Offended? Well, I truly believe that this is what the scriptures say. Now, I believe we partake in God’s will for our lives! I’m not preaching laziness or passivity. God calls us to fight. But the scriptures always show God fighting for us as we step out in faith.
We’ve heard so often things like “God’s grace is so good, but nobody’s going to wake you up in the morning! You still have to try!” However, I’d like to suggest to you that we should do nothing apart from His grace. Not even roll out of bed and read our Bibles.
Please hear what I’m saying, and don’t think about what you’ve been told. Study the scriptures. Tell me if this is blasphemy. But don’t talk to me about what you’ve heard men teach. God is doing a new thing. He is revealing His grace to us in a deeper way! No longer will we trust in our own strength. We’ll trust that it’s true when He said that “ is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” Did you hear that? He takes pleasure in working through us to His will!
Let’s talk about Paul. If any man could have preached about being qualified and using our own efforts for life, it would be him. Let’s read:
“If anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic righteousness, faultless. (Philippians 3:4-6)
However, Paul didn’t make his ministry about human effort! After his encounter with Christ, He preached the gospel of grace!
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. (Acts 20:24) -Emphasis mine
God used this man who was so qualified in the flesh (which is really no qualification at all!) and used Him to preach the gospel of grace! How good is our God. I think He has a sense of humor! (:
“Alright Joshua. I’ll humor you. Maybe our Christian walk has nothing to do with our effort. Maybe our success IS all about God’s grace. Well if that’s the case, then why do so few believers actually experience this wonderful life?”
I am so glad you asked. (:
I’d like to show you this simple truth that I think –and I believe the scriptures support it!– keeps the grace of God from our lives. Let us read again. This time we shall journey into the Old Testament. Jonah 2:8 says this:
"Those who cling to worthless idols
forfeit the grace that could be theirs.”
Yessir, when we worship idols, we block God’s grace from our lives. “Idol” sounds like a really intense word, but we all do it. Your idol might be a person, or a thing, or a position, or money, or your talent, but we’ve all experienced idolatry. It’s anything that is takes a place that only God should. We are to have no other gods but Him.
“Ah ha! Joshua! I caught you! You’ve already contradicted yourself! You just said grace had nothing to do with our efforts! Now your saying we have to earn it! Sounds like a works based doctrine to me!”
I’m so glad you noticed that. (: I thought the same thing as the Holy Spirit was revealing this to me. Let’s go back to Paul for a second. As a matter of fact, you may have even thought of a verse like this to refute what I just said. Here’s Romans 11:6:
“And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace.”
I SO could not agree with you more if you believe this scripture. I really believe the Holy Spirit lead me to read the verse in context a bit. Here’s what comes before, starting with verse 2:
God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew. Don't you know what the Scripture says in the passage about Elijah—how he appealed to God against Israel: "Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars; I am the only one left, and they are trying to kill me"[? And what was God's answer to him? "I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal." So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace.
Wow. I would say that certainly supports the Jonah 2:8 theory.
“Joshua, now I am just confused. Do we have to earn it or not?”
Again, I’m so glad you asked! Let me go Jesus-style a bit, and tell you a story.
Let’s imagine a nice person going on a stroll through a lovely, wide-open field. As this man is walking it begins to pour down rain. Absolutely pouring. The man did nothing to merit being rained upon. He didn’t even ask! He didn’t beg...He didn’t pay fifty cents or do a rain dance. It just rained. You get the picture!
Now, let’s suppose this person had an umbrella handy. He opens it up and holds it above his head. He is now blocked from the grace of God–excuse me rain. Even though rain is being showered upon him and all around him, if he keeps the umbrella open, then he will experience the rain.
I’m sure you understand what I am getting at! Friends, God is ready to pour out His grace in our lives! He WANTS to. He is a loving Father, desiring us so excel in EVERY part of life. He is that kind of dad! Basically we have to learn to do nothing, and just be rained on.
HOWEVER, when we serve idols, we keep ourself from the grace of God. When we strive in our own efforts, what idol do we serve? The idol of self! Simply learn to receive God’s grace in your life! He can deliver you from every bondage! In every broken place, every wound, every messed up relationship, every dark place His grace is sufficient. I’m not saying He will change every circumstance, but you better believe He will sustain you with His grace.
Now, I’m not going to temper the gospel of grace with anything, but let me make a few things clear. The Bible is clear that we will face trails and persecutions. Life is not going to be perfect and sun-shiny all the time. You may or may not be wildly wealthy, though I believe He wants to deliver us from financial bondage. There will be hard, dark times. But, I believe that God will give us all that we need to get through them! As Paul learned with a thorn in His side, God’s grace REALLY IS sufficient. We can still have peace in those times. Like James 1 says, we’ll still be tested and refined. But He won’t leave us without what we need.
Oh God is good!
What I’ve been doing is not asking God to give me grace, but saying “God, I rest in Your grace for this.” His grace is already there! We need not ask for what has already been given. Let your prayers be for God’s will to be done here on earth. Simply rest in the grace that is so readily there!
If something in you resonated with what I have said, then you should read the book Destined to Reign by Joseph Prince. As the Holy Spirit has been stirring this in me, I’ve been dabbling in this book at the bookstore at church. It’s absolutely life-changing. He teaches the same core message as what I just shared and I’ve been very inspired by it. But friends don’t idolize any person! Thank God for the revelation he brings through people. Anyway, I really believe that God is rousing this message all throughout the globe! Make no mistake this is HUGE!
It is my hope that this message has inspired you and/or liberated you! I don’t want to keep this freedom and revelation to myself!
I love you all!
Easter (or the same difference)
What was really sweet is that I realized that I have now celebrated Easter on three different continents. The first 18 years of my life I was in North America, last year I was in Kenya, and this year, obviously, I am in Australia. Now, I think it's noteworthy that I say this not to gain your recognition as someone who is well-cultured. Although I do fancy myself a well-rounded, understanding, and generally liberal individual, that is not the point of this blog.
The 'point', or central theme, is this. Easter is the same no matter where it's celebrated. Sure the methods differ, but the central message is the same. It would be foolish and ignorant to assume that everyone expresses their celebration and joy in the same way when it comes to Easter. But that's the beauty of it! Each different gathering that I have had the opportunity to be a part of on this sacred weekend has been wonderfully unique. Last year in Kenya, we were ever so privileged to be a part of not one, not two, but five services on resurrection sunday. And while we actually spent more of the day on our bus than in church, not one of those services was the same.
Each and every gathering of Christ-followers so passionately displayed gratitude for the sacrifice of Christ. From the sacrament and liturgy of the anglican church, to the relevance and spiritual encounter of Hillsong and everything in-between, I've found one thing constant - An imperfect people serving a perfect God. No one in the church is trying to be perfect. We hurt each other - if you haven't been hurt by the church, you haven't been going long enough. But hurt is healed through forgiveness, and love is over all.
So if you would be happening upon this and are disillusioned by the church, please know that I was once there. I saw the Jerry Fallwell's and 700 Clubs and George Bush's of the world and wished to never be associated with that brand of Christianity. I still want nothing to do with it. But I'm here to tell you that there is an awakening going on. The global church is starting to rediscover her place as the bride of Christ. She is starting to influence the world. She is finally starting to genuinely care about justice for the poor and downtrodden. She is on a mission to love the world into eternity. Jump on board, we're in for a crazy ride.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Musings of a pacifist
"Why should we hear about body bags, and deaths?...I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?"
~Barbara Bush
I will tell you, Mrs. Bush, why you should 'waste' your mind on something like that. Because inside of every body bag is a life cut short. Every statistic on CNN is someone's son. Every million dollars buys a group of innocent Iraqis laid to rest. Barbara, I challenge you to make such an ignorant statement when your grand-daughters stop being drunk and enlist for the military. When one of them comes home covered in a flag, will you be so calloused? How can you tell me that the life of a person is not relevant? If I had the means, I would camp out across the street from your house and set up a giant screen and show 24/7 footage of the carnage that your son has recklessly caused.
Even more disturbing to me is this, excerpted from a CNN article published on the day of the 5-year anniversary. This one comes from good ol' GW himself.
"No one would argue that this war has not come at a high cost in lives and treasure, but those costs are necessary when we consider the cost of a strategic victory for our enemies in Iraq"
-George W. Bush
Mr. President, how do you sleep at night? You entered an unjust war on false pretenses, which have cost thousands of lives (I refuse to break down deaths into categories such as 'american lives' or 'american troops'...Iraqis are people just the same as Americans are. And the Iraqi people have paid dearly for the smokescreen politics of GW, just the same as the American people have). These costs are NECESSARY? Ridiculous. The blood of the innocents is on your hands, Mr. Bush.
I could argue until the cows come home (which would be quite a long time, seeing as how I don't own any) about how ridiculous this war is. But I won't do that. All I will say is that my heart is bleeding for the world. For the 98 percent of Iraqis and Afghans who never hurt anyone, for the people of Darfur, for the child-soldiers of Uganda.... the list could go on. Sometimes it all just makes me want to cry.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Open Mic
^^I'll be participating in one of those tomorrow night. Always a good time.
In other news, beach volleyball is fast becoming one of my favorite hobbies. The combination of sweat, sand, and the resulting chaffing is simply outstanding. But really though, I will be honest, I enjoy volleyball. A lot.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
So I've determined that I must live on a coast. I pay no mind as to where, but as long as I can look out and cannot resolve the edge of the horizon, then I'm good. So to all of you in Ohio, I apologize, but it will take a serious seismic shift of either geography or of my preferences for me to return on any sort of permanent basis. Coastal regions, prepare to have your world rocked.
Also, I'm going to Thailand next December. My friend Patrick is coming too. We found a couple of discounted tickets, so we're stoked about it. If anyone would like to accompany us, get a flight into Bangkok on the 9th of December 2008. It would be sweet if you would let me know as well, although I'm all for surprises.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Sore feet and heavy eyes
I'm afraid my eyes may give up hope any second now and I will fall asleep right here on the computer.
I spent the last three days in a 17000-woman cauldron of estrogen that would strike fear in the heart of even the fiercest man.
I have had 12 hours sleep in the last three nights combined.
My body is weak beyond reason.
But my spirit is encouraged to the same degree.
Go change the world ladies.
p.s. I met louie giglio not 2 hours ago. We're basically like brothers now.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Colour Me Blue
There is a genre of music that is already defined by that colour, which also shares its name. The blues. I love them. In fact, I live in Bluesville. John is the current mayer, B.B. was the king, there's another John whose coal train comes in regularly. Eric also claps a ton, for no other reason than to honor his friend Jimi. I am but a humble resident. So please, I beg of you, do not redefine me.
This is all I have to say.
p.s. my spelling of the word colour (which blogspot apparently disapproves of, seeing as how they underlined it in 'mistake red') makes me certifiably Aussie. Ironically enough, the word blogspot is also underlined. Someday soon there will be another blog on this topic.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Laughing in church....
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Old Song. New Meaning.
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
I'll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours
Monday, January 28, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
All these things to say
I'll give you my praise
It's not enough
But I sing for You
Only for You
Here we go
back to the heart of it
Here to show
Not just a part of it
So take control, take control of me
I'm letting go and reaching out for You
Take control, take control of me
I'll take a leap and fall into You
I'll give You this heart
It's all that I have
But it beats for You
Only for You
All this I bring for You
All this I bring for You
Let my life shine like a star for You
Like a star, only for You
And it's done. I hope you like it.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I do love sunshine
So I'm pretty stoked about what walls God will break down. What doors He will open. Or close. What relationships He will grow. What people He will bring my way. What new thing(s) I will find out about Him. Myself. Whatever. So life, I welcome your craziness with open arms. Bring it on.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Where in the world.....
61/15 Potter Street
Waterloo, NSW 2017
That's the address where you can find Josh Graber. Or send him stuff :-)
Have a blessed day everyone!!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Hello there....
Monday, January 14, 2008
The past week in pictures....
This is ground zero of new territory for me.....
...this is called 'the past week in pictures'...and i hope to keep it going into my time in Australia...but for now, here are a few of the highlights of the last week....
Steff and I at CW's open mic night on thursday. We should sing together more often.....
On friday, before the Kalahari, I went to see my grandparents. Self-timers on cameras are great!!
Me with some other 'adults' at the Kalahari.....Good times with 600 Jr/Sr High kids...
This is a grand little party that the folks at four14 had for was great....
Look closely at the picture before this one. There are some balloons in it. Now come back the this pic. Those are the same balloons. And that is Steff. After we took the balloons to starbucks with us.....
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the past week of Josh's life in pictures. I hope you enjoyed it!!
Stay tuned for next time as Josh posts new lyrics.....
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Well now....
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Auld Lang Syne
I'm glad that you've finally arrived. I remember writing a letter to your brother, 2007, around this time last year, so I thought I'd keep with the tradition. So anyways, '08 - you don't mind if I call you that do you? - I would like to tell you this. 2007 was much better than '06. While it had it's ups and downs, it was a generally positive year. So the bar has been raised. I am expecting no less than great things from you. So please don't disappoint.
Joshua David